Now showing items 1-4 of 4
Проблема разработки интеллектуальных систем поддержки принятия производственных решений
(ХАІ, 2003)
Изложены проблемы, связанные с актуальными технологическими аспектами и методологией создания
интеллектуальных систем, ориентированных на знания (ИСОЗ), в свете информационных технологий и
программного инструментария для ...
Formal model of technological processes's description of complex technical systems's tests
(ХАІ, 2006)
Theoretical aspects of application of the problem-oriented language for description the tests of the technological
processes of complex technical systems are considered. The formal grammar of language and features of use ...
Game theoretical approach to cooperation in autonomous wireless networks
(ХАІ, 2016)
The principles of construction of wireless Ad-hoc networks are discussed. It is shown that improved quality of
service in the mobile Ad-hoc net-works achieved by integration of heterogeneous wireless access technologies.
The ...
Optimisation problem statement of decision-making on handover in heterogeneous ad hoc networks
(ХАІ, 2016)
Advanced development trends of wireless networks and mobile communication are considered. It’s shown that new trends of program-defined and cognitive radio require creation of metrics system for route decisionmaking or ...