Browsing Факультет програмної інженерії та бізнесу (№ 6) by Title
Now showing items 12-31 of 755
Formal model of technological processes's description of complex technical systems's tests
(ХАІ, 2006)Theoretical aspects of application of the problem-oriented language for description the tests of the technological processes of complex technical systems are considered. The formal grammar of language and features of use ... -
Fundamentals of aerospace engineering
(KhAI, 2018)The main information on the following topics is presented: «History of Aviation Development», «Aircraft Classification», «General Principles of the Aircraft Flight Theory», «Aircraft Structure», «Aircraft Basic Parts, ... -
Game theoretical approach to cooperation in autonomous wireless networks
(ХАІ, 2016)The principles of construction of wireless Ad-hoc networks are discussed. It is shown that improved quality of service in the mobile Ad-hoc net-works achieved by integration of heterogeneous wireless access technologies. The ... -
Humanization of economic science, human beings and production organization: problems and prospects
(ХАІ, 2021)Economic instability, intensification of social problems, uncertainty of economic development guidelines in Ukraine indicate the need in reviewing problems and prospects of economic science and practice. The purpose of ... -
Information security audit for enterprises information assets protection in global challenges conditions
(ХАІ, 2023)In the modern conditions of global challenges, along with climate action failure, extreme weather, human environmental damage, there are cyberattacks and data fraud or theft, the spread of infectious diseases (pandemics), ... -
IoT-платформа для вібраційної діагностики промислового обладнання
(ХАІ, 2021)Предметом вивчення в статті є цифрова платформа для вібраційної діагностики промислового обладнання. Метою є підвищення інформативності процесів вібраційної діагностики промислового обладнання шляхом розробки та впровадження ... -
Methodological basics for studying the spiritual potential of territorial communities: terminology
(ХАІ, 2022)Economic instability, increasing social problems, uncertainty of economic guidelines for the development of Ukraine indicate the need to review the problems and prospects for the development of economic science and ... -
Modeling of the system for economic losses reduction of business in the conditions of modern global and local challenges
(ХАІ, 2023)The purpose of the article is to model the system of economic losses reducing of business in the conditions of permanent of modern global and local challenges. -
Optimisation problem statement of decision-making on handover in heterogeneous ad hoc networks
(ХАІ, 2016)Advanced development trends of wireless networks and mobile communication are considered. It’s shown that new trends of program-defined and cognitive radio require creation of metrics system for route decisionmaking or ... -
Pandemic Economic Crisis: Changes and New Challenges to Society
(VUZF Publishing House "St. Grigorii Bogoslov", 2020-12)In the context of new changes and challenges facing society caused by the COVID-19 pandemic the most important factor in ensuring the sustainable functioning of economic entities is the formation and improvement of crisis ... -
Serverless computing and containerization in challenger banks software
(Планета-прінт, 2019) -
Social responsibility in the context of management at competitive labor potential
(ХАІ, 2022)The purpose of the article is to determine the mechanisms contributing to the increase of social responsibility of the participants in the process of managing competitive labor potential. -
Tax system
(KhAI, 2018)Theoretical and practical materials necessary for independent study courses «Tax system». The manual consists of parts, where the basic content of the course «Tax system is considered». Each part presents a brief overview ... -
Terminological provision and paradigm of research of the tracking Ukraine's trap
(ХАІ, 2021)The purpose of the study is to determine the terminology and paradigm of theoretical and methodological support for bringing Ukraine out of the "trap of backwardness", to unite the efforts of all those interested in ... -
The method of the trust evaluation in a coalition of the Internet of Things objects
(Планета-прінт, 2018) -
Theory of algorithms and computing processes
(KhAI, 2012)It is given basic means for algorithmic system development focused to solving fundamental problems of theory of algorithms namely proof of computability and resolvability. The applied problems of mathematical linguistics ... -
Web-дизайн. Ч. 1
(ХАІ, 2019)Наведено необхідні теоретичні відомості про розміщення й передання інформації в інтернеті, концепції й можливості найбільш популярних технологій сучасного web-дизайну. Розглянуто принципи роботи в мережі інтернет та основи ... -
Автоматизация поддержки принятия решений при выявлении мошенничества в биллинговых системах операторов мобильной связи
(ХАИ, 2011)Проанализировано состояние проблемы мошенничества в биллинговых системах операторов мобильной связи. Изложено обоснование целесообразности применения методологии инженерии квантов знаний для проектирования автоматизированных ... -
Автоматизация поддержки принятия управленческих решений с помощью интеллектуальных систем
(ХАИ, 2008)Изложена интеллектуальная технология поддержки принятия управленческих решений, основанная на использовании метода разноуровневых алгоритмических квантов знаний (РАКЗ-метода) в рамках квантового подхода в инженерии знаний. ...