Forensic Prevention: The Concept Of Implementation In Ukraine
The article analyzes the conceptual principles, opinions and ideas for understanding the essence of forensic science private theory, namely: forensic prevention concept is considered. The empirical prerequisites for the emergence and development of forensic research have been investigated: accumulation of empirical facts in the theory of forensic science and other sciences, manifestation of integration processes. Theoretical and applied foundations of expert prevention private theory are formulated. Its concept, structure, subject, object and tasks are considered and analyzed. Its place and role in the theory of criminalistics and forensic science are clarified. It is noted that the study of the current state of the theory and practice of private expert theory has allowed to establish that it has a common beginning and justification. Private theories, as systems of interconnected components, include: idea, principles, large empirical material that is the theory cornerstone, general and specific tasks, functions and purpose of the theory.
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