Browsing Факультет ракетно-космічної техніки (№ 4) by Title
Now showing items 52-71 of 772
Shafts and gears. Representation in a drawing
(KhAI, 2019)The manual covers section of the «Drawings of machine parts» course. The manual includes geometrical parameters of typical shafts, gear wheels, gear joints and their calculations. Examples of working drawings of gear ... -
Simulation methods of electric propulsion thrusters
(ХАІ, 2023) -
Structure and properties of steels and cast irons
(ХАІ, 2004)Textbook contains texts necessary for material revision, which is delivered in Russian according students educational specialty, for vocabulary increasing, improving skills for dealing with scientific texts, written and ... -
Studying the possibility of compensation of undesirable manufacturing warping in composite articles for aircrafts
(ХАІ, 2024)The object of the research is the possibility of improving the quality of articles made of composites by means of pre-polymerization treatment of the wet package with intensive pulse loading. Processes of composite articles ... -
The method of determining optimal control of the thermoelastic state of piece-homogeneous body using a stationary temperature field
(ХАІ, 2024)This paper proposes a new highly effective method for determining the optimal control of the stress-strain state of spatially multi-connected composite bodies using a stationary temperature field. The proposed method is ... -
The theory of limits. Continuous functions
(KhAI, 2018)This manual contains two topics: the theory of limits and continuous functions. The detailed theoretical material, which is accompanied by solved examples for typical problems, is given. At the end of the manual it is given ... -
Theory of Series
(ХАІ, 2004)This study aid deals with such important part of the Higher Mathematics as Series and consists of 4 chapters. The first chapter on number series contains theoretical material and exercises, the most of which are followed ... -
Threaded joints
(ХАІ, 2006)Geometrical parameters and dimensions of a screw thread profile and thread classification are represented. Basic types of threaded joints applied in machinery are mentioned. Calculation methods of threaded joints ... -
Threaded joints
(ХАІ, 2011)Geometrical parameters and dimensions of a screw thread profile and thread classification are represented. Basic types of threaded joints applied in machinery are mentioned. Calculation methods of threaded joints ... -
Tomic functions and lacunary interpolation series in boundary value problems for partial derivatives equations and image processing
(ХАІ, 2020)In the paper we consider and solve the problem of construction of the so called tomic functions – the systems of infinitely differentiable functions which while retaining many important properties of the shifts of atomic ... -
Topological designing and analysis of the composite wing rib
(ХАІ, 2020)The composite structures in the aerospace industry for in recent decades are widely applied however, at the beginning of the 21st century composites are growing rapidly. The largest companies in the aerospace industry are ... -
Topological optimization hybrid algorithm for the adhesive joint
(ХАІ, 2023)The subject of this study is a topological optimization algorithm for a lapped symmetric adhesive joint. The purpose of this research is to create a hybrid optimization algorithm that combines the advantages of a genetic ... -
Topological optimization of a symmetrical adhesive joint. Island model of genetic algorithm
(ХАІ, 2022)The purpose of this article is to find the optimal form of applied overlays, which can have a variable thickness in the presence of a number of restrictions. -
Автоматизація розпізнавання фінансових документів
(2019)У даній дипломній роботі був розроблений Python додаток для розпізнавання фінансових документів -
Автоматизированная система учета потребляемых продуктов
(Планета-прінт, 2018) -
Автоматизированная система учета финансов физического лица
(Планета-прінт, 2018) -
Автоматизована система бронювання площ жилого та нежилого фондiв
(2020)У даній роботі аналізується процес створення можливої автоматизованої системи для бронювання площ жилового та нежилового фонду. -
Автономні системи очищення побутових стічних вод
(ХАІ, 2019)Розглянуто область застосування малогабаритних споруд для очищення побутових стічних вод, теоретичні основи процесів біохімічного окислення забруднень. Описано інженерне оснащення прибудинкової зони з розміщенням септика ...